Walter is coming back from vacation this week. I would recommend contact support at 888-200-5129 and we can troubleshoot it over the phone. When calibrating the screen, a stylus or pen cap works best. We actually use the back edge of our fingernail to operate the iFly, as oils from skin and such along with a error correction for turbulence can take a firm touch. Many people want to very lightly touch the iFly, you won't hurt it, press firm if using the tip of your finger, a lighter touch if using the nail edge. The screen is very durable, your not going to damage it if its reasonably clean.
Unfortunately, the remote will not type on the keyboard as it has limited functions when is comes to data entry. Also, the power button on the remote only turns the screen on and off, it actually does not power the unit off completely. Just pull the plug to do this.
I recommend you contact Ed in our support department to troubleshoot the device. You can also email as well.
Shane Woodson
Vice President | Adventure Pilot LLC.