Yes, that is one of the things I spent a lot of time experimenting with. On the Stratux forums and other places, they mention that it is sensitive to cables, connetors, and power sources. I found that to be true.... some cables really did not work, and some power supplies would apparently not live up to their ratings.
I ended up finding two cables that work. I even found one cord that was acting goofy when plugged in to the power source all the way, but worked consistently if you did not engage it quite all the way. I am using only the proven cable now.
The best power solution seems to be the power bank Crewdog recommends: The EasyAcc PB6000. Not sure why the things are so finicky, but maybe the output from the 12 Volt USB power ports and the 110 volt USB adapters is not always clean enough DC.
The replies from Crewdog to my emails seem to have fallen silent. I may have stumped them.....
Well, it has been interesting, to say the least.