Your company's responsiveness to the user community is just great. Thank you!
I like the idea of a runway extension. I don't know the best way to choose which runway, and which end of the runway, to extend. I expect as you simulate it, one or two methods will seem best in the context of your experience and knowledge of the system as a whole. I trust your decision in this area as the other aspects of the iFly are intuitive to most of your user community (me included).
Like others who have made comments, I think it would be a good idea to select a different color than yellow for the runway extension on the sectional/TAC display. I think it would be best to use a color that is not generally used for each particular screen display mode (sectional/TAC, low enroute, vector, vector night), which I think means that the color of the runway extension may need to vary between screen displays.
I am looking forward to the next software update.