If you could make something that looked like the 740 form factor and included ADSB-in capability, that would be nifty. But I would guess that the resources required to solve the challenges associated with such a product would be prohibitive for a company like AP.
Adventure Pilot puchases off-the-shelf devices for their 7xx and 520 devices, then customizes the OS and software load to create a platform for iFly. Catalogs for these devices cover a wide variety of options useful for embedded computers, including such "standard" features as GPS (including WAAS), Wi-fi, and Bluetooth, but the unique radios required for ADSB reception are not common in general-purpose computing so are not available as built-in options for off-the-shelf devices, and it would not be practical to custom-design such a device for as small a market as this one.
It's likely that AP could source an off-the-shelf panel PC with multiple USB ports that would allow for the software-defined-radio modules to be attached (just like they are with a Raspberry Pi-based Stratux ADSB-in device), but then to get a decent signal, you need decent antennas. Since those antennas would not be able to be designed into the case or otherwise hidden, they would have to be external to the device. It would be challenging to devise a physical combination of panel PC + one or two SDRs + one or two antennas that would achieve good reception and not be unwieldy to deal with.
If the physical form-factor issues could be solved, AP would also have to dedicate resources to build the code to re-create the ADSB-in logic that's currently handled by the external ADSB-in devices. That would be additional development expense, and/or would compete with development resources that would be spent on other features and improvements.
There are already pretty good options for getting iFly and ADSB-in with two separate devices. I'm guessing the price tag on a combo device like this would be pretty high, and the potential sales of such a device would not justify the investment required to create it.
But that's just my guess.