Hi Mike,
You wrote...
".....I didn't have anything but the iFly, and I figured one GPS was enough. ......... if I can't figure out why my iPad GPS isn't working with the iFly program...."
I had (as I bet more than one member here has) an experience that dramatically reminded me that while one GPS may be enough, having a backup is way better:
Flying VFR above 10,00 feet of thick smoke my 720 failed. Can't tell you how totally happy I was that iFly was running on my iPad Mini! I was in an area such that even if I had dropped down into the smoke for a better ground view the terrain was sorely lacking in features to identify location or even fix on something to hold steady heading on....and lacking any diversion airports of even viable off-field landing options. Probably would have be able to find my way, but would have been very tense.
Hope you got iFly running on your iPad.