Please be more specific about the problems you are encountering. Many, many users are using iFly without significant issues. It's possilbe that you've run into a bug that has not yet been reported (this certainly happens), but it is also possible that there is something unique to your configuriation that is causing your issues.
Regarding the wifi connection issue, the iFly devices have always suffered from...I will charitably call them "quirks"...when moving between wifi networks. Honestly, it's best to only use the iFly devices on your in-flight network and delete all the other stored network credentials (anything else with a "(Pre)" in the network name when you look at the network info on the iFly device). This behavior is intrinsic to the device itself and does not change when iFly software is updated.
I don't understand what you mean when you say "the GPS refuses to reconnect in the procedure turn when commanded". Could you please try to describe your issue more clearly?