Lots of flying this past weekend with a stratux dual band alongside a SkyRadar dual band. Impressed with the stratux; it performed as well as the SkyRadar when it performed. Had occasional issues with radar returns looking like they had been thru a shredder and every other shred was missing, but then the SkyRadar had the same issue occasionally. I noticed that both units create their Wi-Fi network on channel 1, so there was probably lots of collisions going on and causing problems. I'm going to snoop thru the stratux configs to see if the frequency can be changed. The Android lost connection to the stratux quite a bit; usually reconnecting on its on but not always. Weather and traffic seemed comparable from the two devices, with the stratux possibly seeing more traffic. There's already a new beta out that I haven't loaded yet. And I want to add a GPS & AHRS chip to the stratux so the comparison is more apples to apples. Someone requested a link to info about which hardware name to choose; this link says Freeflight in the steps at the top.
However, one time I connected the 740 to the stratux and forgot to switch it from SkyRadar to Freeflight. When I went to the "Devices" screen, it was collecting data. Other times, I had to select Freeflight.
Some of my issues may have been collision related, and some may be because I was powering the two radios off the pi instead of a separate powered USB hub. I'm looking for a 12v hub to use to eliminate that potential problem.
Here's my setup. The bands hold together the pi and the (unpowered) hub. Antennas not shown.

I might add that the Crown Royal bag makes the perfect carrying case; if only they weren't soooo expensive!