Thanks, Tim. I had forgotten about this resource and I appreciate the help you provided. It's not perfect, but it is helpful even if a bit tedious. One has to zoom in sufficient to have only the correct sectional option pop-up. Otherwise, one can get 2 or 3 options if the screen overlaps multiple sectionals. When near the edge of two sectionals in IFLY, it's difficult to tell how much leeway there is between an airport in one sectional and the beginning of the next sectional. Knowing the distance to the nearby sectional boundary is helpful in determining whether it is prudent to buy the extra sectional just in case one must subsequently deviate unexpectably. I found another app ( that provides a chart finder capability. Creating a "from - to" flight plan will generate a line across depicted sectionals and a listing of each sectional and TAC which the flight passes through. It's easy to see how close a given airport is to the edge of a sectional. That app does not permit multiple legs, only a single from-to scenario. But it did the trick. There are probably other resources too, so a change in IFLY to better address this issue isn't really necessary. But it's amazing how users of IFLY come to rely on it as a single source of information--it's just that good.