Now that we've been wowed and spoiled with split-screen EFIS/VFR or EFIS/Vector, it occurs to me that a split-screen VFR/Vector would be very handy.
Sometimes it's important to see the details on the VFR map, and sometimes you need to de-clutter to better see the airports, airspace, obstacles and weather. Why can't we look at both at the same time? Although I'll admit that having two 2-D maps would require the software to support two ownship icons, two distance rings, two route lines, etc. -- unless one map is simplified and just moves along with the other one. Kind of like EFIS now.
As far as setup goes, I would think it would be logical to just provide a "Split Screen" map mode. (So the Map Modes would be: "VFR", "Vector", "EFIS" [which would be full-screen like VFR and Vector], and lastly, "Split Screen".) If "Split Screen" is selected, the screen would split into two (blank) halves. (Or maybe it would default to VFR on both sides.) You would touch one of the screen halves and it would ask you what map type you want there (EFIS, VFR or Vector). Ditto with the other side. That way you can choose what map mixture you want and in which halves of the screen. (Something EFIS split-screen doesn't allow -- it's always on the left or top.) It would also give you an option to go to a full-screen with that map, like EFIS does now.
Anyone else think this would be a good idea?