I'd like to see a bit more info in the flight plan regarding cumulative fuel usage, distance and time at each waypoint as well as the option to specify Refuel when specifiying a landing. Then, based on our aircraft profile iFly could display how much fuel is remaining at the end of each leg and reset the fuel to full when a landing and refuel is selected. My plane has pretty short legs and a small capacity so I don't travel very far but I think the info would be helpful regardless of range.
I've ginned up some screenshots below of what this might look like.
The first one shows the route with no intermediate landings selected and shows that I end up below my VFR reserve at the end of the second leg. (red cell that shows 1.1 gallons left - my minimum is 2 gallons) .
The next one shows that I've selected a Landing and Refuel at the end of my first leg which has me in the green, above my VFR reserve at the end of the second leg. But I'm still negative at the end of the last leg and looking for gas in a field.
So, I have to select a Landing and Refuel at my second airport as well in order to arrive with gas in the tanks.
This example is pretty simplistic but when I have two or more nav type waypoints that aren't airports I'm having to add up the fuel use at each leg to make sure my cumulative amount up to that point still leaves me with a reserve. It seems like there is enough screen real estate on the flight planning page to add the cumulative info boxes out to the right.
I think the AOPA flight planner has something that turns the line on the chart red when you run out of gas. Probably don't need that but something on the flight plan page like I've sketched out might be a help.
(edited to get the pictures in the right order)