Display glide ratio and /or best glide Dynamically

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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Wish-ListiFly Wish-ListDisplay glide ratio and /or best glide DynamicallyDisplay glide ratio and /or best glide Dynamically
New Post
10/26/2014 8:37 PM
We all know our POH nominal best glide speed.

But it can be different on the ASI than official number for various reasons , and the actual glide ratio can be very different than expected depending on whether gliding downwind or upwind.
Seeing , for example, if realtime that I'm getting a lousy 5:1 glide when by POH I should be seeing something code to 10:1 could be a quick wake up to turn 180 and go for that field I passed about five minutes ago.

So in that often thought of scenario of "could I make THAT nice flat field" from here guesstimate could be real nice to be able to quickly pop up the realtime glide ratio. Also of course , well short of a teal glide emergency scenario to be able to test if when my ASI says i'm spot on the POH best glide if that.s really true...or maybe some knots above or below.

Given iFly is quite good at reporting desired vertical descent needed for landing destination,clearly could on-the-fly glide ratio.

Same read-out when climbing could give fine adjustment on getting best angle of climb for takekoffs with close obstacles, etc.

Could be implemented as an on optional instrument("glide/climb ratio") , or just as part of the instrument mode screen?


New Post
10/27/2014 10:31 PM

We were just talking about adding Glide Ratio to the aircraft profile and making use of it in various applications. I'll make sure this is on the Wishlist. Nice feedback.

Shane Woodson
Vice President | Adventure Pilot LLC.
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Wish-ListiFly Wish-ListDisplay glide ratio and /or best glide DynamicallyDisplay glide ratio and /or best glide Dynamically