I've tried searching the forums with now luck at all, and nothing on the Skyguard website eitehr but I am hoping someone has some info or something to do. I have had a Skyguard UAT transciver for a couple of years now and had the upgrade done back in 2015 GPS swap and frimware upgrade per the FAA TIS-B policy change. It has been working great up until a month or so ago.
Weather (METARS/TAF/NEXRAD) is working fine and updating. I am using the iPad app with the latest update from Feb 23, and I am getting a WAAS and ADS-B green indication. I am not getting traffic though, but when I look at the detailed form it indicates taffic targets and 0 shown (I don't remember the exact verbiage). So, my iPad is connecting, iFly is seeing the transciver, and the ADS-B towers are highlighted on the map (flashing blue ... don't know if that means anything).
The past few flights I assumed it just wasn't busy out there, but today when approaching the airport there were several arriving and departing aircraft that should have clearly shown as targets on iFly but not one single target.
I tried all the Alert thresholds, Distance visibilities, and Altitude visibilities with no luck in seeing traffic.
So the question is, anyone else experienced/or have experienced this problem and any suggestions to try next?
Edit: Attached ADS-B Permormance Monitor Report if it can be of any help.