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2/17/2020 9:39 PM


Ok, sorry - I thought you were on a tablet also - sorry if I missed that earlier...

I think in this case, the staff at iFly would be the subject matter experts.

I have only gone with the APP on a tablet the entire time I've been a iFly user.

I do understand your frustration with the Stratux. There is actually ANOTHER place on the stratux page to recalibrate besides the artificial horizon page...if you can get to that one, it may help as well. I did not think that would make a difference, but it does.  I will have to go find the steps to get there, as I posted them on one of these pages previously with screen-by-screen photos of me doing it...it works. The page with the artificial horizion is the quick way to do it, but the other way, which takes a bit longer and which should only be completed on the ground, is more comprehensive....more to follow.

Another obvious question - your antennas are still connected to the box, right? Sometimes they do come loose, as has happened to me. An easy fix.

The shut-down is (in my opinion) an important step...you should see the flashing lights on the back of your machine for about 5 seconds or so before it stops and the fan stops as well - that has helped with mine - made all the difference.

Sorry for all your troubles...I wish I could help more.  Again, I might try asking the staff here for directions about how to shut down the STRATUX from the screen.  

Q for you. With the 740, do you upgrade through all the versions like we do on the APP? Do you have to connect it to get all the improvements and modifications? That helps with bugs, anomilies and other disconnects....we are now up to Version 11.

Best of luck - Mike N714AJ

New Post
2/17/2020 11:31 PM

I have the 740 and a Raspberry Pi2 used as a Stratux. The menu item for Shutdown does include Shutdown Stratux.

I very seldom shutdown Stratux by using the proper shutdown method, I usually shut off power.

I had to reflash with the latest version before the last flight because I must have corrupted the OS by improper shutdown.


Zodiac 601HDS N6402X aprs KF7WIR-1
New Post
2/18/2020 9:29 AM

Okay, Mike.  Thanks for the input anyway, you've been helpful.  Without forums to talk to users, it can be hard to get much information on stuff like this.  The Crewdog guys worked with me a lot and really tried to help.  They never did mention the shutdown method, though.

The antennas are fine.  I mount my Stratux in the side window of the baggage compartment of the RV9, so it is close to the iFly, but out of the way and doesn't get disturbed.  Reception is great.

Yeah, with my 740, updates are simple, and you can choose exactlty what you want to update.  I don't always do the software updates right away.  I am still on version 10 right now.  I did talk to the Adventure Pilot guys about that, because version 11 mostly adds a bunch of stuff I won't use.  However, they assured me that upgrading would not slow down performance on the unit.  I will get around to version 11.  The best way for me to update is to remove the SD card and put it in the computer and use iFly Connect.  Works faster than using WiFi for updates.  Wifi is handy if you are not at the computer and just want Weather and TFR's.

Take care, Mike.  Happy Flying.


New Post
2/18/2020 9:36 AM


Oh, that is good news.  I guess I always just pushed the button on the side to shut down the 740, instead of using the menu.  That Stratus shutdown does not show up if the Stratus is not talking to the iFly.  So as soon as I get the Stratus and the iFly in one place, I will sure try that.  Think  I'll wait until the 2 feet of snow recedes and the temp gets above 10 degrees. before I go to the airport.  Maybe the wind will even back off.......  (Naww...... this is Montana.)

Thanks a lot for the input.  


New Post
2/19/2020 11:03 AM

Well, guys, here is an update.  I got the Stratux unit back from Crewdog yesterday.  I ran it for 12 hours yesterday, and used the shutdown proceedure you showed me several times in that interval.  It ran without a hitch.

This morning I started it up and after 2 minutes the wifi quit.  I restarted it, and after 5 minutes it quit again.  I restarted again, and it has been running for a half hour this time, and still going.  The Crewdog guys were unable to stop it from logging, but the log file size is only 460 Kb at this time and going up, so it is not an issue of filling up the card at this point.

No way am I putting this thing back in the airplane.  It is just too frustrating.  I guess I got a bad one.


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