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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsADS-B Discussio...ADS-B Discussio...TSO skyBeacon - Certified AircraftTSO skyBeacon - Certified Aircraft
New Post
10/14/2018 6:14 AM


That was a really good explanation - thank you.  Your facts help this situation make much more sense now.

Thanks for taking the time to post this....and sorry for your experience with NavWorx. I feel for you, and I hope this new device really delivers for you and the rest of the aviation community.

Mike N714AJ

New Post
10/15/2018 11:27 AM
Mike D. wrote:

We'd all really like to hear more testimonials from folks with certified aircraft...

Your are posting this to an extremely limited audience, even including the 150/152 club.  Perhaps you'd be better off contacting the manufacturer, explain that you, and likely many others are awaiting (glowing) reports from the field.  Maybe they'll encourage their customers to post their success stories far and wide, or they'll pass on whatever success reports they've had sent to them. 


Mike, that is a good idea. I will see if I can find an address to the company where someone will actually read it and consider it.

Many of my friends are ready to buy and install - even with the impending legal action from GARMIN.  There just seems to be a lack of detail on "closing the deal" to acquire and install one right now.

Let me see how far I can get....

FYI, there are thousands of us in the Cessna 150/152/162 Club ready to move on this...

Mike N714AJ


New Post
10/15/2018 2:38 PM

So, I submitted a request to the company WRT the suggestion above...

Let's see what comes back...will post here if it is worthwhile.

Again, I know a bunch of folks who are "fence sitters" (like me) until we see some real evidence the faa will accept this -- and part of that is listing it under the panoply of approved adsb-out devices eligible for the $500 taxpayer rebate.  The money is far less important than the legitimacy and sustainibility of the device. 

Mike N714AJ

New Post
10/16/2018 10:25 AM

As best I know, uAvionix hasn't shipped a single TSO'd skyBeacon, so there's just no one out there to give a report. We're still getting, "any day now..." from them on shipment.

New Post
10/16/2018 11:05 AM
Shaun wrote:

As best I know, uAvionix hasn't shipped a single TSO'd skyBeacon, so there's just no one out there to give a report. We're still getting, "any day now..." from them on shipment.


Thanks Shaun, that is good to know.  Consumer confidence has to addressed before this product will pick up traction with the general aviation community. We will continue to stand-by...again, many thanks for the complete transparency and honesty.

Mike N714AJ


HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsADS-B Discussio...ADS-B Discussio...TSO skyBeacon - Certified AircraftTSO skyBeacon - Certified Aircraft