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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsADS-B Discussio...ADS-B Discussio...TSO skyBeacon - Certified AircraftTSO skyBeacon - Certified Aircraft
New Post
10/12/2018 9:51 AM

I just logged on to my "type" website, the "Cessna 150/152 Club of America," to see if anyone had actually installed the SkyBeacon yet...

So far, no one has, or at least is claiming they have done so. I would think by now someone would have and then posted results on teh site....but nothing so far.

I admit it - I am a "fence sitter" at the moment and am waiting for some results from my type aircraft before pulling the trigger. Others out there in areas where adsb is mandatory will, of course, have to install something or stop flying there in about a year. Many of us are taking a "wait and see" approach after witnessing the demise of NavWorx and subsequent financial disaster many of our friends expereinced from "adopting early" with adsb devices.

This week, a pilot at my airport offered me his used GARMIN GDL-88 adsb out as he was already UPGRADING to a LYNX unit....think about that...less than 5 years old and ALREADY "upgrading" to something better! For me, the 88 would cost too much to buy and install, so I am passing and awaiting the SkyBeacon....when I know it will absolutely work.

We'd all really like to hear more testimonials from folks with certified aircraft...your stories of everything from installation to operation to certification to sending in for the (alleged) forthcoming $500 rebate from the faa for compliance.

Any experiences out there to share from certified aircraft owners?  Thanks.

Mike Marra, N714AJ

New Post
10/12/2018 11:52 AM

The $500 ADS-B rebate is back. (Thank you US Taxpayers)

$500 might not seem like much but it is something. I read somewhere that if they larger they would have to collect tax related information from everyone and issue IRS 1099 forms for additional income.


Click here for the AOPA article: https://www.aopa.org/news-and-media/all ... out-rebate

Click here for the FAA rebate website: https://www.faa.gov/nextgen/equipadsb/rebate/

Mike N714AJ

New Post
10/12/2018 12:04 PM
I think a $500 gift from the taxpayers to the elite aircraft owners is more than enough. I would rather see this money go toward schools or health care.
New Post
10/12/2018 3:09 PM

We'd all really like to hear more testimonials from folks with certified aircraft...

Your are posting this to an extremely limited audience, even including the 150/152 club.  Perhaps you'd be better off contacting the manufacturer, explain that you, and likely many others are awaiting (glowing) reports from the field.  Maybe they'll encourage their customers to post their success stories far and wide, or they'll pass on whatever success reports they've had sent to them. 

New Post
10/12/2018 7:43 PM

Per the uAvionix website, even though they have achieved all the TSOs on the unit, they still have not received the STC to install them in certified aircraft.  They have not yet started shipping the certified version yet.  Best bet would be to check around the EAA and find out how the installs have gone in homebuilts.

As to the $500 rebate, I tried to enter my plane into the website this morning and got the following response:

Aircraft Does Not Comply With Rebate Requirements
NXXXXX was detected transmitting Link Version 2 ADS-B prior to the start of the rebate program and is not eligible to participate.

I sent them an e-mail to explain my plane had the NavWorx for 2 years, which was removed per the AD.  I will see if they will let me qualify for the rebate for that reason.

HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsADS-B Discussio...ADS-B Discussio...TSO skyBeacon - Certified AircraftTSO skyBeacon - Certified Aircraft