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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsADS-B Discussio...ADS-B Discussio...TSO skyBeacon - Certified AircraftTSO skyBeacon - Certified Aircraft
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9/3/2018 6:17 AM
ErgonomicMike wrote:
Since the SkyBeacon gets altitude info from your xnder, does that mean that owners will have to certify their pitot/static system every two years (like IFR) to use it? (Seems that they would have to in order to have certified altitude info.)

Mike,. Did we ever get an answer on this one?


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9/3/2018 8:54 AM

Both types of ADS-B use transponders.  If you're using a UAT ADS-B transmitter (978 MHz), you're using that in conjunction with a Mode C transponder.  (You're not just picking up the altitude from the transponder -- the transponder has to be present and working.)  If you're using Mode S ADS-B (1090 MHz), you're uisng a Mode S transponder with ES to do that (it serves as both a transponder and an Extended Squitter, which sends the ADS-B data).  So, regardless of flavor, you need to keep your transponder in working condition, which means it needs to get a checkout every 2 years.

ADS-B is not just about the new data that gets sent out (tail number, ICAO code, etc), it also still requires the transponder functionality.

Powrachute PC 2000; Aventura II; Cherokee 180
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9/13/2018 4:27 PM


Has anyone tried to mount the Skybeacon on a Cessna 150?

I am in the market but would like to know the ins and outs of installing this on a 150, specifically a Cessna 150M (1977).

I've heard it was "10 minutes" and then on the other hand I heard installation created some fabrication and reshaping of the mount to get it reliabley installed....

Since the 150 fleet will (probably) be an open and competitive market share for the Skybeacon I am hoping it will be easy and not require a lot of A+P time...

Thanks - Mike N714AJ

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9/13/2018 8:03 PM

It seems like they could make the SkyBeacon fit the 70's and later Cessna droop wingtips with the fabrication of a new fairing (the part on the existing light that secures the glass globe).  Not sure if the planned STC will cover changing the fairing on it, but since the number of Cessnas out there with this wingtip, it seems like it would be worth getting it approved (unless the fairing change can be made as another Minor Altercation).  Otherwise we would have to go with the TailBeacon.  I will need to do that with my Grumman Yankee.

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9/14/2018 3:42 PM
I am not a patent lawyer, but I don't see how any patent was issued for receiving a Transponder broadcast and retransmitting it for use by other aircraft. The FAA ATC has been doing exactly this for over 50 years. When They receive the broadcast transponder code, it is displayed on their screen, and they rebroadcast that information when they give a traffic alert verbally. Now it is done automatically with the adsb transmitting towers. They receive the information via airwaves and send it back directly to participating aircraft.

Heck, the block diagram that suggests installing adsb in and out in all aircraft was originally drawn up by FAA ,using our tax dollars ,when they came out with the idea for the 2020 mandate. This Mandate FINAL ruling was published in May of 2010. I sure it was being discussed in public meetings for one or two years prior to that. So how did Garmin invent it and patient the idea in Dec of 2009? Did Garmin copy the diagrams, file the paperwork and receive a patent. How?

If Garmin wins is the FAA required to pay royalties for each time the adsb Towers violate the 301 patent? How about making penalties retroactive at least back to Dec 2009?
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsADS-B Discussio...ADS-B Discussio...TSO skyBeacon - Certified AircraftTSO skyBeacon - Certified Aircraft