After a great deal of time with the folks at NavWorx and iFly, the problem turned out to be a loose mulipin connector. The multipin connector to the NavWorx ADS600-B is held on by a slide lock. Because I mounted the ADS600-B so that I could not view the connection properly, I did not realize that only 1 side of the slide lock was engaged and as a result, several pins on one end of the connector were not fully engaged. As a result, some of the data being sent to my Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro tablet was missing. The partial data loss was confusing because there was no indication from the ADS600-B that anything was wrong. Since discovering the problem, I have rotated the unit 180 degrees so that the multipin connector is visible and it is possible to pull on the connector to make sure it is secure. I am providing the above info so that other NavWorx users do not repeat my mistake. Since then, I have done several flights and am totally pleased with the traffic and weather data that I see on my tablet.