I apologize, but I am still being thick. So - Lets say I get a $1400 Levil 3 AW to replace my $20 USB to serial cable that currently goes from my 740b to my Dynon D10A EFIS/autopilot..
Walk me though how this would then work please:
> The level gets GPS position data and sends it to the iFly EFB on a tablet; (NMEA position sentences)
> The EFB has the flight plan and calucates the required turns and steering to achieve it. The ifly generates the required autopilot steering GPS sentences to follow the flight plan.
Are you saying that the Levil 3 then also wirelessly receives back those autopilot steering sentences from the ifly EFB tablet and then sends them on via Rs232 to the Dynon?
Again, please understand that I not tyring to question, rather trying to understand for purpose of figuring out how and if possible to stick with iFly into the future with my Dynon set-up.
Do you perhaps have some example data-flow diagrams/illustrations you could share with the communitey that would show flow of the various required sentences?
Is there really a flow of Levil (position) > iFly on Tablet (postiion)> back to Level (steering from flight plan) > onto Dynon (steering $APB etc). ? Even if correct this would seem an awfully over-engineered/complicated solution to just get NMEA out from a tablet!
Thank you for taking the time to educate me and the community and again, apologies for being slow in understanding how this would all flow.