I'm guessing this is not something that's easy to change, but I'm wondering if there's any possibility of getting an earlier opportunity to switch to Night Mode during the boot process?
I try to be careful during my preflight to avoid bright lights and let my eyes start adjusting to the dark. They say it takes ~30 min for your eyes to fully adjust, so I figure about the time I'm taking off, they're about there.
Last night, I flew to a nearby town for dinner. Landed before sunset, but it was dark for the flight back. Everything was fine until I turned on the Master, and as I ran through the startup checklist and was configuring the radios, *BAM*!--the brilliant white "don't use the iFly for navigation" disclaimer screen (which I strongly dislike anyway) lit up the cockpit like the 4th of July.
By the time I got past that page and navigated the couple of button clicks to change to Night mode, my night vision was shot.
If there's no option for an earlier Mode toggle, could you at least consider a redesign of the disclaimer page so that it's more "night friendly"? Black background with red text or something, perhaps?
Thanks for the consideration.