For prospective buyers, the update process works fine and I certainly do not regret my purchase, I am just polishing here. That said...
I like the iFly a lot, but you really need to fix the update process. I have a T1 line at work so speed at my end is not a problem, but I do not look forward to updating my iFly that much. I leave the iFly mounted in the aircraft and transfer the files back and forth with a thumbdrive as recommended. The only non-standard thing I do is that I like keeping ALL the databases up to date (not just the local ones) so that is arguably more data than necessary, but I don't see that as a problem.
I like seeing and being able to customize my update, but most of the time I just want to update the whole thing by selecting a single choice. You have such a great product, I don't see why updates have to be so kludsey. If the 2 gig file size capacity is a problem, then figure out a way to break it down into multiple files and update them in sequence or something. If you are giving additional gps software capabilities a higher priority that is fine and I appreciate that, but ease of updates impacts user satisfaction too. I probably update the databases almost as often as I navigate with it (wry smile) Thanks.