winds at altitude - iFly Wish-List - iFly EFB

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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Wish-ListiFly Wish-Listwinds at altitudewinds at altitude
New Post
3/4/2015 9:05 PM

Okay, going out on a limb a little bit here. I don't know a good, easy method of calculating or using winds aloft from the charts. Is there a method or a link to a method that you guys know about? Or maybe some way to use winds aloft in iFly to learn about the subject? The Jeppeson teaching book method does not sink in (ground school.)

There are so many variables I just cannot see how to pick best cruise altitudes, even. One would think it would be intuitive.

If iFly does not have it, can we get it in the future?

New Post
3/5/2015 9:18 AM

We have some really cool winds aloft features on the way that will make best-altitude calculations automated, accurate, and intuative. Stay tuned, probably coming in the first release after 9.0


Walter Boyd
President, Adventure Pilot
New Post
3/5/2015 11:59 AM

David, while we're waiting for the first release after v. 9 for this exciting new planning feature, I'm using the route planning tool at Weathermeister. Plug in your route, and it gives you the uptimum altitude based on the winds aloft, the ground speed, time enroute, and fuel burn. Check out the 2-week trial at

I'm looking forward to having the winds aloft in the iFly planner - might make for one less planning tool to use.

HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Wish-ListiFly Wish-Listwinds at altitudewinds at altitude