VFR corridors through airspaces? - iFly Wish-List - iFly EFB

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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Wish-ListiFly Wish-ListVFR corridors through airspaces?VFR corridors through airspaces?
New Post
2/14/2017 1:11 PM
The vfr corridors are displayed on iFly on the TAC for Tampa class B. They're fairly new (couple of years?), and very useful as we have overlapping class D's and MacDill AFB on all sides of Tampa. You will need to zoom in close enough to exit the sectional and enter the TAC. But you still beed to be in contact with ATC before going through them. I'd be surprised if iFly didn't have them on all TAC's where they actually have a corridor, as it is part of the chart.
New Post
2/14/2017 1:36 PM
Sky Pup,
To further answer your questions, the corridors are named. They are "........" Transitions, where each has its own name. They are displayed on the TAC's with magenta open "block" arrows. But the altitudes are given a range on the chart, to be assigned by atc when contacted. Therefore, a 3d picture would be impossible. Check out the Tampa TAC. It's called the "Bridge transition". You'll get the picture then.
New Post
2/14/2017 4:54 PM

I'm pretty sure the "someone" who turns the sectionals into moving maps is the government, by embedding the georeference data into the products. (See the "GEO-TIFF" files on the Aeronav site, here: https://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/fligh...).

And thanks for the education, Jeff!

New Post
2/14/2017 5:11 PM

So, it's not going to happen. They already got rid of WAC's, didn't they. I guess adding the info to TAC's is the way to go.

New Post
2/14/2017 6:42 PM

Conveniently, Houston is the very one I'm concerned with at the moment (versus an extra 40 minutes flight time to avoid the area comlpetely.) I've looked and looked and I *still* don't recognize the Houston corridor!, dummy me. That's why I was kinda hoping it was alread in iFly.

Do y'all know of a corridor in all that extremely messy airspace overCcorpus? I'm trying to get from MDQ down to T65 and the only method I see at the moment is almost 2 hours of extra flight time by flying north of all that mess, almost to the Mexican border, then SSE down to T65. Sure would like to pop in at Rockport (RKP) one the way down or back, but I just don't know how I can do it.

There have been times I've looked for one through Memphis and Atlanta as well.

But you're saying the corridors are dynamic and not fixed altitudes? Would be nice if we had them at 5000 to 9999 feet.

HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Wish-ListiFly Wish-ListVFR corridors through airspaces?VFR corridors through airspaces?