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New Post
8/8/2016 6:12 PM

Since Google isn't a good airport app, and iFly isn't a good Google app, then I would be very happy if iFly would let me paste in a lat lon either at once or separately.

Btw, this might be why it is more important to me, I'm a young pilot (400hrs). I haven't been most places and I want to go to all of them. When I go someplace I want to explore, not just touch and go. I've always been given permission to land so I always ask-and be as gracious as possible. I give rides all the time and have talked 2 people into starting on their private. And I almost never have time to sit at home(but I do have a computer, and yes a pc app would be nice). Sure would be nice to enter an address and have it displayed as a point though. This is my real request

Thanks all!!!

New Post
8/8/2016 6:54 PM
My iPad Mini 4 runs iFly GPS as well as Google Earth, Google Maps, and lots of other apps. I can see how your request might be beneficial, but there are other tools available to do the same thing.

I'm looking forward to a Windows 10 version of iFly GPS to run on my Surface Pro 4. That should provide anything I would ever need or want.
New Post
8/9/2016 10:53 AM
Old Pilot, it sounds as if you did not have the problems that most of us did installing Windows 10!! iFly works fine on my Droid, so I am happy to stay with that.
New Post
8/9/2016 2:07 PM
No, because it's a new Microsoft Surface Pro 4 that came with Windows 10. I'm leaving my HP laptop on Windows 7.
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