Crowd-sourcing fuel price corrections? - iFly Wish-List

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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Wish-ListiFly Wish-ListCrowd-sourcing fuel price corrections?Crowd-sourcing fuel price corrections?
New Post
6/19/2016 4:25 PM

I've used over the years with excellent results, and "crowd sourcing" is the method they use to collect fuel price data.

C177RG: iFly 720, Stratux 978/1090 ADS-B in, AHRS, BMP, Stratus ESG ADS-B out. RV-3: 8" Samsung Tab A, Stratux 978/1090 ADS-B in, AHRS, BMP, Stratus ESG ADS-B out.
New Post
6/20/2016 10:12 AM

We get fuel price updated early every morning from GlobalAir. The iFly GPS App will automatically pull in the new Fuel Prices and FBO data each time you are online. However, most Fuel Managers do not notify of these price changes, so aparticular airport may only see 1 or 2 updates in a month. That is why AirNav has "Guaranteed" prices and the rest are as updated.

We actually ran a accuracy check on GlobalAir and they are very close to 100LL and Airnav at the time. They have a team that emails and contacts airports for fuel prices, however they do not contact them everyday, nor do they automatically know when they change their price. It may not update until the next cycle or email.

A crowd-source in an option to improve that is on our wish-list, but would need a verification methods... Or better yet a "fuel hub network" to allow all fuel managers to report once. Again GlobalAir was very close in accuracy and the pricing was conducive to offer it as an included service. We considered going with Airnav or others, but there prices are astronomical and it would need to be a paid service at that point. Definitely on our radar to improve accuracy even more.

Shane Woodson
Vice President | Adventure Pilot LLC.
New Post
6/20/2016 12:41 PM
Shane wrote:

A crowd-source in an option to improve that is on our wish-list, but would need a verification methods...

I'm not understanding what is being verified. Is the concern over the verification of price? That someone would input an intentionally false fuel price? Or make a mistake in data entry? I wonder how AirNav does it when users update prices? Could wait for two different users to send in the same price update.

New Post
6/20/2016 2:49 PM

If I was Adventure Pilot, I would not want to publish anything on my system that is entered by a bunch of random users. It's too easy for them to make a mistake and put in $34.0 instead of $3.40, for instance. Or, put in $3.40 when it should be $5.40 and piss off some pilot who lands to purchase 100 gallons of fuel. I would use a reliable source who is publishing this data already. If the price is low enough, include it in the subscription price and/or use a more expensive service and charge for a premium service.

New Post
6/20/2016 10:03 PM

I wouldn't have a problem with having prices updated by a bunch of random users. First off, Adventure Pilot would know who is supplying the fuel price. If the same username continued to supply significantly wrong information, they could simply not accept fuel updates from that username. As for erroneous entries, perhaps the software could analyze the supplied price, compare it with the last known price and possibly some other parameters, and ask some questions. "The price you entered is significantly higher (or lower) than expected. Verify you meant to enter ($34.0, or $5.40, or $0.34, etc.)?"

To expand on this, maybe the iFly could have an automatic pop up window when it senses you've spent more than x minutes at an airport (indicating the possibility you purchased fuel) and asks if you would like to verify that the fuel price is still (whatever the iFly is currently indicating as the fuel price), or would you like to input a new price? This information would be stored and next time you connected to the internet it would send a quick message to the iFly servers and update the information.

HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Wish-ListiFly Wish-ListCrowd-sourcing fuel price corrections?Crowd-sourcing fuel price corrections?