Request to allow Disappearing Instruments to Persist (i.e. Not D

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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Wish-ListiFly Wish-ListRequest to allow Disappearing Instruments to Persist (i.e. Not Disappear)Request to allow Disappearing Instruments to Persist (i.e. Not Disappear)
New Post
6/8/2016 10:25 PM

As far as I know, the instruments that disappear are presenting NO information. That would be such as a waypoint instrument when there is no waypoint or the VST before it's time to start our descent.

New Post
6/9/2016 6:31 PM

According to the initial post, and to a lesser degree the one prior to my last response, the fading boxes are presenting information that is redundant, or the iFly considers redundant. So on a multiple waypoint flight plan, there would be a box that indicated how far to the next waypoint, and another that indicated how far to the final waypoint. Once the destination became the "Next" waypoint, the "How Far To The Next Waypoint" box would disappear, because it would have the same value as the "How Far To The Destination" waypoint.

New Post
6/9/2016 6:38 PM

Same difference. The point is, when the waypoint has been passed, it is no longer a waypoint and disappears. Some of us prefer it that way.

EDIT: It's only redundant if you enter the destination twice. Who does that other than the OP? As I said, you can mitigate this issue completely by rearranging your instruments. I think more map space is more valuable than a "redundant" instrument or an instrument with NO information.

EDIT2: And just to beat a dead horse, if you're flying around with no flight plan, the Final, Dist, ETE, and XTE instruments also disappear as they should. I guess someone could put in a false destination or their departure airport as destination for these instruments to persist, but why?

New Post
6/11/2016 7:27 PM
Despite the fact that I probably wouldn't use it, I'm all for adding a check box to allow the user to decide. I don't think that choice is a bad thing.
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Wish-ListiFly Wish-ListRequest to allow Disappearing Instruments to Persist (i.e. Not Disappear)Request to allow Disappearing Instruments to Persist (i.e. Not Disappear)