Wouldn't the ADS-B Status Instrument be easier to "read" if, instead of text ("Receiving" "Out of Range" etc.) it had a presentation like the GPS Status instrument?
That is, instead of text, it had 4 or 5 bars, all the same height. Red and no fill when no towers. Green with filled in bar for each tower. Dashes when no Stratux. (The fact that the bars are all the same height (and so don't reflect signal strength) differentiates it from the GPS Status instrument.)
Alternatively, green numerals for the number of towers, red zero when none. (But I prefer graphics. There are already a lot of numerical Instruments for flying and green digits are harder to read than black/white. Or the background color of the box fill could be green/red.)
I don't know if "pulsing" the Instrument to reflect receiving a heart beat would be of any value. But since I'm brainstorming, I submit the thought.