Use tablet internal sensors for AHRS - iFly Wish-List - iFly EFB

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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Wish-ListiFly Wish-ListUse tablet internal sensors for AHRSUse tablet internal sensors for AHRS
New Post
3/18/2015 4:55 AM

please please please. Give us the option of using our internal sensors. I just discovered the Samsung Galaxy Tab S has all the necessary sensors and the error bars seem quite small. While I do not know if the GPS is WAAS, the unit does have accelerometer, magnetometer, and gyros. Plus the screen is much more daylight readable than most tablets.

Just like GPS,please give us the option of using the internam IMU's or external.

New Post
3/20/2015 7:40 AM
For years, many Android devices have the necessary sensors for an AHRS setup, and some iOS devices now have them as well, but there's more to it than that. The sensors have to be fixed and properly aligned for the data to be useful. Almost any way of mounting your tablet so that it's useful as a moving map / EFB will mean that the sensors are not mounted for optimal AHRS usage.
New Post
3/23/2015 5:14 PM

I'm fully aware of the as considerations necessary for using sensors and calibrate as needed.

New Post
3/23/2015 5:41 PM

It's not a calibration issue. It's a mounting/orientation issue. The AHRS units available on the market for aviation use don't get suctioned to the window, or clamped to the yoke, or mounted in an AirGizmo box on the panel, or strapped to your leg. They get firmly affixed to the structure of the plane (often they are bolted to the floor) and carefully aligned with the aircraft's yaw, pitch, and roll axes, which is not a practical location for a tablet.

For example, here are the mounting instructions for a popular AHRS sensor package:

New Post
3/23/2015 7:53 PM

A friend who flies with me has the Stratus II / Foreflight combination. He places the Stratus receiver unit between rounded top of my panel and the windshield, which I'm guessing is 20 to 30 deg out of level on two axis. When he brings up the AHRS and synthetic vision displays he calibrates the device to level (in level flight) and it seems to work perfect for the balance of the flight. Very impressive to glance at the synthetic vision on final!

So it would seem that maybe a tablet could have the same functionality as long as it remains in the position where it was calibrated to level.

C177RG: iFly 720, Stratux 978/1090 ADS-B in, AHRS, BMP, Stratus ESG ADS-B out. RV-3: 8" Samsung Tab A, Stratux 978/1090 ADS-B in, AHRS, BMP, Stratus ESG ADS-B out.
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Wish-ListiFly Wish-ListUse tablet internal sensors for AHRSUse tablet internal sensors for AHRS