Invoking one of Murphy's Laws of Management (that no job is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do it himself), I'd like the "Add Waypoint Options" pop-up list categorized. Airports should be first, VOR's second, NDB's third and Intersections last. (With bold lines between categories. (And if a category is empty, make it a double bold line. That way I'd know on sight that, say, there are no airport Waypoints near by being offered and the next is a VOR.))
As it is now, the list is simply alphabetized. Which is nice, but ergonomically, the first Waypoint you're likely to want is an airport, followed by a VOR, etc. So, as it is now, you have to drill down the list, carefully reading to see if you're clicking on a Nav or Apt waypoint.
Try that over Phoenix Sky Harbor, AZ. You get two Waypoints with the same name - Nav PHX & Apt PHX. (Although why you'd fly to a VOT is beyond me.)
A few years ago, you would have gotten three hits over Phoenix, since the identifier for the VOR used to be PHX too. If any other VOR's are still named the same as their anchor airport (like INW), then that gives more cause for a categorized list.
I let my IFR currency expire, but if I flew IFR, I'd also want IAF's and FAF's listed before enrounte intersections, since it's more likely I'd be given vectors to an IAF or FAF first.