For the longest time, to create a New flight plan, I've been going to the Flight Plan page, then to "More Options" and then to "Clear All Waypoints" because I haven't found "New." (And then I noticed the Clear button at the top right in 8.4.76 beta. Has that always been there?)
So instead of "Clear," how about changing the button title to "New"? After all, isn't that what where really trying to do? Create a "new" flight plan? (Whereas I suppose that "Clear All Waypoints" means "I goofed. Keep me on this flight plan page, but delete all my entries.")
Next, the "Opt" button on the Flight plan page isn't in the same place as the map waypoint layout. On the map page, the Opts button is to the upper right of an information window. (BTW, do we really need Lat/Long in an information window on the map? Unless I'm reporting a fire on the ground to FSS, I don't need lat/longs.)
So, per my graphic below, I've moved the Opt button to the upper right of the 'waypoint' list in the Flight Plan. (Really, it should say "Opts" to be consistent with the map page.) I've moved Direct To to the middle left of each waypoint. This makes for a more consistent UI, where our eyes and fingers habituate to going to the same places for the same information on different pages.
And I've put a bolder (thicker) vertical line between the waypoint table and the "delta" table, to break up the white space, to make it easier to distinguish the two tables.
Also, the 720 manual says that the last destination will automagically be entered as the Departure waypoint. Good idea. But that's not happening for me on 74b.
Also, could I recommend that we be allowed to set our home airport as "Home" and have a separate button for entering our home airport? (Instead of having to search for it all the time.)
P.S. If you guys want to get really cool when you run out of things to do,you could show stored flight plans on a graphical map. (Instead of a textual list.) You would show only flight plans originating from where we're "destinated," numbered, 9 at a time. (To avoid clutter.) That would make finding flight plans a lot easier than trying to scroll down a long list or trying to remember if we previously crafted a flight plan to Podunk airport. It would kinda resemble an Airline "our flights" page, where you would pick 1 thru 9 to call up an existing flight plan. (I can create a graphic if needs be.
Of course, the option for the old textual list would still be available, especially if you want to modify a flight plan that doesn't originate from your current destination.