Here are three views of Vertical Profile windows.
In the top one, you can see that the airplane symbol is obliterated by the 9000 ft legend on the graph. (Where I drew a red arrow.)
In the middle, the overhanging airspace is partially obliterated by the 6000 ft legend on the graph. (See red arrow.) It's not difficult to imagine that the floor of Class B could be at 6000 ft, and you wouldn't see it because it's blocked by the legend.
The bottom view is a possible solution. Shorten the legend 1) to that the airplane symbol is always in view, and 2) so that any airspace directly above or below (or at) the airplane symbol is always in view. Or I suppose the legend could go on the right.
Or the VP graph could be shifted right so that you can see more behind you (to the left) in case you have to make a 180 in an emergency in IFR over mountainous terrain. (Although in that situation, I'd use the plan view for the big picture. Still, I might want to see more of the airspace behind me in case I have to do a 180 in VFR.) With a right shift, the graph would end on a cardinal mileage (in this case, 20), which is where I'd expect it to end on the 20 mile view.