Extended Runways Enhancement - iFly Wish-List - iFly EFB

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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Wish-ListiFly Wish-ListExtended Runways EnhancementExtended Runways Enhancement
New Post
9/21/2014 2:12 PM
I think it might be handy if the destination airport were to automatically have extended runways enabled, or maybe automatically extend them when you get within a certain range. Similarly, having the closest runway to you having it's runway automatically extended might be a nice safety/informational feature as you're flying near an airport. It also might clutter the screen a bit, so I imagine some people would want the ability to turn this off. If the iFly software has access to very recent wind information, maybe extending the most likely likely active runway at the destination airport could be neat as well, or just color coding the most likely active one green or some such. Some potential misuse with this feature though if the pilot doesn't manually check the winds to verify.
New Post
9/25/2014 8:59 AM
Here's something my old Lowrance used to offer when extending a runway. It would prompt as to whether I wanted it to add a waypoint to the plan 1 or 2 (I can't recall) miles out straight in and if so add it to the plan. Thereby having the option to set up a final approach to that runway. It may be tougher to do this on the iFly as the it makes the assumption that your next waypoint is the closest one. (which brings back up the long ago discussion of having the option to fly the waypoints in order regardless of over-flight.
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Wish-ListiFly Wish-ListExtended Runways EnhancementExtended Runways Enhancement