Dave K wrote:
... or wait for a affordable transceiver to come out.
Hello Dave,
I'm not sure what you would define "portable" as, but NavWorx sells an ADS-B UAT transceiver that meets the 2020 mandate for ADS-B OUt. We will be announcing TSO certification at or very soon after Sun-N-Fun 2013. Our price of $2600.00 is at least $1000.00 less than any of our competitors - including Garmin.
The iFly system works very well with our ADS600-B, and we support most exerpiemtal EFIS' (AFS, GRT, etc), and we output to two displays simultaneously.
Years ago I purchased a 396 for XM weather display in my DiamondStar while waiting for Garmin to certify the GDL-69. I didn't have to throw the 396 out though, as there will always be a large used market for it. I doubt if that will be the case for the numerous FAA subsidized ADS-B receiver-only devices in the marketplace today.
Bill Moffitt
NavWorx Inc.