Chas wrote:
trying to download to usb for my 720 Download speed is 107 kb a second its gonna take 1 hour and 57 minutes .The slow speed is definitely not on my end . I know there are other options, but to travel to my plane unmouns the unit to remove the sd card and travel home to ifly connect is not a good option for me . .
Here's what I find very practical to minimize involvement with USB stick updates:
I got
Purchase a blank second SD card.
Duplicate what's on the original card to the new card.
Always have one card at home and one in the plane.
Before leaving home to go fly use iFly connect to fully update the home SD card.
At the plane remove the SD card from iFly and put it in your car or your pocket.
Insert the freshly updated at home card in the iFly. No dismounting needed.
Take home the card you removed from the iFly before your flight.
Repeat above steps as needed.
P.S., If you put the staler SD card in your pocket before flight, it means you're carrying a spare SD card.
SD cards are HIGHLY reliable, but one COULD corrupt.