I find your post very interestng since the new to me plane has much the same equipment, Dynon D100 EFIS and D120 EMS and iFly 740b. However I do not have the HS34 or AP74. The previous owner hand a TruTrak / Bendix Xcruz but reported could never get it to work well, so he removed it. I have been strongly considering getting Dynon servos and AP74 and giving the Dynon system a try. Full disclosure, when I bought the plane it did not fly straight (heavy left wing, yaw to the right). Corrected the rigging and it flies straight hands off now. Perhaps ill handling plan was more than the AP could handle?
One question/problem I'm having is I bought from iFly the USB to Serial cable. Following the videos, I can get the 740 to recognize the cable if it is not connected to anyting dynon. Then plug into the Dynon serial and it works. However, if I shut it down and leave everything connected, it will not recognize the USB/serial cable, I have to unplug from the Dynon. I have confirmed NMEA setting, baud rate and sentences, etc.
Any thoughts?