thammer wrote:
I tried to clarify my zoom level by stating that see 5 and 10 mile range rings. Turn on range rings and zoom until the argest ring you see is the 10 mile. That should give you an idea of where my zoom is at.
I'm sorry; yeah, that didn't click when I read it the first time--thanks.
Would you say this is a constant offset in location (like a helicopter hovering over a spot is shown in the wrong spot), or a lag where iFly is consistently showing traffic a little "behind" where they really are (where it was a few secs ago vs. where it is right this instant)? I have not observed the former (and think that's unlikley to occur), but if it's the latter, could it just be limitations of the technology and having proper expectations for how the system works, similar to how weather radar imagery is a few minutes old by the time it hits your screen?
There is always going to be some delay between when a target reports "I am here" and when that information gets to iFly and hits the display. Half a mile between targets could close in as little as ~10-15 seconds for common piston singles, or quicker with faster planes. I wouldn't expect the system to have 15 sec of delay built in (especially if you're getting a direct broadcast from the traffic), but I really don't know what the ADSB-rebroadcast delay might be.