On the subject of pop up TFRs, one of the often repeated promises of ADS-B In is TFR Data via ADS-B. While I can get TFR data via WiFi, I have never recieved TFR Data via ADS-B. I am using a Skyguard TWX for ADS-B. When I've asked Don about it, he says his unit recieves the TFR data and passes it on to the GPS, and that other vendors GPS units get and display TFR data receiver from his ADS-B units. I currently fly with an iFly 740 and an Android. I can only get TFR data on the iFly if I take it out of the plane and connect to WiFi somewhere. At least with the Android I can pick up the TFR information via the LTE network before it connects to the Skyguard unit.
When should we see this long overdue feature start working in the iFly units?