Thanks for your response - you probably store your airplane inside a hangar, which is great and really helps to preserve your baby. You are doing it right - way to go.
Regrettably, I am OUTSIDE in Central PA, meaning endless UV sunlight, rain, snow, sleet, hail, ice, birds, other nesting animals, wind, yes - high wind, and, since I am right next to US Interstate 81, soot and exhaust from endless traffic on that major highway....and have been doing so since I acquired my plane in 1998.
So, I don't think the elements will allow the TAILBEACON to survive more that FIVE YEARS outside like next step is for a buddy of mine to FABRICATE a tailcap cover to protect the TAILBEACON from the environment as best as possible....I am thinking IF I get a good five years out of the gadget, I will probably get my money's worth out of it.
I also predict that in FIVE YEARS the technologies for ADBS will either have come a lot further, or other units will be a lot cheaper to acquire....just the way it is with a lot of today's technology.
I am HOPING it will last longer - but HOPE as a method rarely works for me! I have to have this thing as I am surrounded by Class B, C, and D airspace with MODE C veils and all sorts of SUA and restricted/military/impact/presidential/prohibited areas....yikes.
Wishing you the best with your TAILBEACON!
Mike N714AJ