Thanks for that update, Mac!
I got word yesterday that the paperwork is STILL being approved at faa hq. for the TailBeacon. The word is that in APRIL they will be ready to SHIP. The group buy I am part of now has 133 participants - mostly Ercoupe, low-end Cessna, and other low-end $$$ GA aircraft are involved, hopefully for less than $2000 or so with tax and shipping. I have been told to "have my check ready" by 19 March to mail in to the Gent who is coordinating the buy.
In the meantime, my airport now has an "authorized dealer, installer, testor and validator" to sign-off the device, ensure it is in my aircraft logs, and has the rudder re-balanced with the new device. While I think I can do it, I am going to go with the official A+P and I am also going to buy a new rudder-cap for it so that all the hardware the new device is going into is all in new condition with no issues. Yep, that will cost me a couple hundred extra, but worth it in the long run as my rudder cap is looking a little weather-worn!
More to follow - we are getting closer, but so are the deadlines. Mid Oct for the rebate (if you hope to get it, which I am not counting on) and of course, the 1 Jan deadline. The race is on!
Mike N714AJ