Just installed an AHRS board on my Stratux and took my first flights with it this weekend. Before leaving the house, I did the Stratux setup to identify which direction is fwd in the plane. I did a gross performance test by holding the Stratux box in my hand, then rotating around pitch, roll, and yaw axes to see generally the motions I expected, so basic functionality is there.
Once in level flight, I opened the Stratux web interface and tried to reset the AHRS to level. When I did, the initial indication in the simulated artificial horizon was level flight, but then it immediately drifted to about 20deg pitch down and a slight roll, where it then stabilized.
I repeated this many times during the flight. When I tried to center the gyros, it always looked like it centered, then immediately drifted to a more-or-less stable ~20deg pitch down indication with slight roll. It took about 5 sec for this drift-and-settle to occur.
I've never heard of this behavior before. Anyone got any ideas?
I do happen to have another AHRS board, and I plan to swap them out to see if the behavior is any different, but I forgot to bring my Stratux home from the plane so it'll be a few days before I can get back out there to mess with it.