Good Evening,
I noticed an issue with ETE and ETA instruments in flight today on my way home from Thanksgiving. My route was KICT to KHQZ with various waypoints inserted into the flight plan that correspond to airports along the direct route. I noticed on my way up that I thought the times seemed off, but I got all of the instruments set up (see attached pics) before my return trip and verified the issue. Here goes:
On the right side of my screen you'll see two columns of instruments. The green background is my next waypoint and the white are my final destination. In the top left you'll see my ground speed of 76 kt (yea, it was a BIG headwind day today in Oklahoma). The point being that I was 15.4 nm from by waypoint abeam SNL going 76 kt (which matches the Garmin 430 ground speed indication), but my ETE was 4:06s. That works out my ground speed needing to be about 225 kt to make that math work. The same holds true for my ETE for my destination of HQZ being 173.6 nm away but showing an ETE of 46:17s. Both of the ETA's are also incorrect, but given the ETE issue, that is not surprising.
I just tried this feature out in demo mode of the software, and in the demo mode it seems to work fine and the times for both ETE and ETA are reasonable.
To try and cover the obvious question, here is my configuration:
Tablet: Samsung Galaxy Tab A (2016), Model SM-T280, Android version 5.1.1
IFly Andriod version 10.3.52 (9/21/2018)
Stratux dual band ADSB version 1.4r1 with GPS
Here is a picture of my tablet with this issue showing during flight (sorry, I couldn't remember how to screen capture at that time).

And here is a screen capture of the software runing in demo mode.

Please let me know if I can provide any additional information.