The Hi-Res Winds are a product that is delivered via internet only. That would be a WIFI connection to an internet connected router or via your cell service. They are not available in the air via ADS-B.
Nexrad, Metars, and TAF's are available via the internet (on the ground) or ADS-B (in the air). So, on the ground, again that requires a WIFI connection to an internet connected router or your cell service. In the air, you need an ADS-B receiver and must be receiving a ground station.
With my IPad, I have never had to use airplane mode or disable the cellular service in any way. When flying and connected to my SkyGuard, I can receive ADS-B traffic, Nexrad, metars, and TAF's via ADS-B. I never try to use a cellular signal when flying, but I never have needed to disable it.
In your case, I thought maybe going into airplane mode to disable your cellular radio might help you with your connection to your ADS-B receiver, but I'm not sure why it would. You just need to make sure you turn on your WIFI or bluetooth to connect to your ADS-B receiver, whichever method it uses.