Sectional Quality?? - iFly GPS for Android - iFly EFB

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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly GPS for An...iFly GPS for An...Sectional Quality??Sectional Quality??
New Post
4/19/2014 4:33 PM

I recently got a 3.0 update to Garmin Pilot on my Nexus 7 and noticed that their sectional map quality is much better. So are the maps on Skyvector and AOPA FlyQ Web. I usually fly in Vector Mode but checked iFly on my Nexus 7 and the sectional does not look as clear and I noticed that colors were different. The iFly is a grayish-blue tint and the other new maps are a greenish-yellowish tint.

Is there something wrong with iFly for Android? I am on the very latest release that was updated a couple of days ago. Are my map data bases out of sync?

Brian Sanborn Groton, MA 1946 Ercoupe 415C - N3044H
New Post
4/19/2014 4:46 PM

The IFly charts are being updated to the new digital format.

New Post
4/19/2014 10:31 PM

A work-around posted by Shane in another thread on this topic:

"We have the newer charts all ready, however since the older ones are not expired, the are not prompting you to update them. If you delete the New York data and reinstall, you'll have the new clearer charts. If you want to remove all the states you have loaded, reinstall, then you'll have all the new improved charts. When we get back from SnF, we may consider prompting to update all charts with the newer ones even if they are not expired. We'll talk about it more on the way back. I hope this helps."

Shane Woodson
VP Business Development, Adventure Pilot

New Post
4/20/2014 10:01 AM

I downloaded the new digital charts for my home airport from the FAA website ( and dsiplayed them on my laptop side-by-side with the iFly charts on my Nexus 7. At the same zoom levels, they looked essentially identical.

New Post
4/20/2014 10:24 AM

Some have been converted, others have not.

HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly GPS for An...iFly GPS for An...Sectional Quality??Sectional Quality??