The VFR subscription is priced $69.99 .
The IFR add-on $39.99
Yeah..... That's common market practice throughout much of the consumer market right out to the IMO ridiculous extent of puting the suggested retail price of a car at $19,995. And when one digs into legit research there's marginal, but by NO means conclusive, data suggesting that, at least in supermarkets, the business might sell a tad more bottles of wine at $7.98 than at $8.
But on net IMHO it's a tacky practice or even insulting to customers' intelligence to think we don't know that if we couldn't afford the subscription at $70 we shouldn't buy it at $69.99.... or for Ifly to believe that ANY potential iFly pilot subscriber would be deffered from buying his/her subscription or original iFly hardware by that one cent difference.
And all my experience with Adventure Pilot is that it and it's staff and owner are not the slightest bit tacky in any respect...the highest quality customer relations and respect always manifest
. So particularly surprising to see this little item of common tack here.
Especially when I note you do not do that with your hardware and price those to honest straightforward whole dollar figures.
So, yeah, it's a little thing and probably most overlook it (if it's not, as for me, a pet peeve
).... but why not fix it?
I hearby request you raise the price of VFR subscriptions up by one sent to $70.