I'm having a problem trying to update my ipad.
I updated it once after notifications that charts were expiring.
When I went out to fly with it it's still telling me that airport diagrams are expired.
Took it back home and noticed that a few sectionals and airport diagrams wouldn't update. I tried to force a database reset, no luck. Then I deleted the sectionals and airport diagrams that wouldn't update and reinstalled them. Everything appeared to reinstall, but the same stuff is showing up as expired when I check under chart expirations.
I was running an older software version on the ipad, so I updated it and tried the same things again.
I still have the same things that supposedly updated showing up as expired.
It also shows aviation databases expired 8/20/15
I'll send a bug report, but I'm sensing that I somehow need to delete more and redownload what I need.
Should I delete and reinstall the whole ifly program?