ComputerDoc wrote:
Hi Jim/all,
Jim wrote --
".......Been using it with the iFly App since it came out and am delighted ~ although my 720 beats the iPad hands down, the 'pad' acts as my taxi map and backup "
Finally, a question about "the 720 beats the iPad hands down."
Can you elaborate a bit on that?
Alex: My comment that the iFly GPS 720 beats the others (pads & droids) hands down stems from this…
The 720 is the BRIGHTEST you will see! And it uses a Resistive Screen.
I have the optional screen protector on mine and the sunshade if I need it.
I have used the iPad for 2 years in car navigation and it (to me) is often impossible to read! I also have found the Capacitive Sensing to be too sensitive. On far too many occasions I find myself several menu levels down because I brushed it without realizing it…
It IS a Big Deal as it constitutes a distraction you don’t need while trying to work your way back to the right page or bending it around and ripping off your sunglasses to try to see the screen!
If you driving along at cruise, not a big deal but when sandwiched between airliners and trying to navigate a ‘2-Breath’ taxi clearance at BWI…
Also want to mention that my WiFi iPad has been navigating just fine using the Dual XGPS 150 that I bought 2 years ago… I normally drop the GPS in my shirt pocket and it is never an issue.
But like all things, you have to weigh which solutions best fits YOUR situation