I was flying IFR the other day and shooting a LOC approach. (The GS is OTS in the rental I was flying.)
For the past many years, I have set iFly to display Plates using the "Full Screen Approach Mode."
And I had that Mode set to give me a blank (that is, Instrument-less) Instrument Group, so that the only thing showing in iFly is the Plate.
But while shooting the LOC, it occurred to me that it would handy to see my Ground Speed while on the Approach. (For timing to the MAP purposes.)
But trying to toggle the Instrument Group in flight, on an approach, was not the way to see GS.
It turns out that you can set up an Instrument Group for the Full Screen Approach Mode that automatically "sticks" (or follows) the Full Screen Approach Mode.
In other words, you don't have to manually change Groups in flight when you go to the Plate.
This feature isn't obvious in iFly. You have to discover it by experimenting.
Anyway, here's a screen shot of my first try using this feature. I've set an Altitude Above Ground Instrument near the DH/MDA field on the Plate, as a Sanity Check while on an Approach.
And I put GS up at the top, where it usually is in my full up Enroute Instrument Group.
(I suppose, if I were smart, I would put a Track Instrument in there too. But I'm trying to keep it simple.)