Is it possible to have two flight plans filed at once?
Haven't been able to do that. Tells me that I need to cancel or close the first one before filing the second.
Yes, you can have a primary plan and a secondary plan. Create and save your two FPs, then go to flight plan, save/load, then load primary, close, then rinse and repeat for the secondary plan.
Filing also? I'm probably not doing something right, but trying to file two at once hasn't worked for me.
As example, fly somewhere to pick someone up. 30 minutes on ground and have a plan filed to go home in the system.
You cannnot file multiple flight plans from a single device at this time. The next revision is reported to have the functionality. For now, I file multiple IFR plans from multiple devices. I have the multidevice add on, so I have it on four devices (my tablet, two phones, and my desktop).
Thanks Jeff, I'll give that a try.