Yes, this was added in the Version 7.5 update. For best practice, I'd try this.
Boot up the iFly 720, go to the Wi-Fi setting page and look for any networks that have a (PRE), to the right. Touch and disconnect from each of those, just so we can start from scratch to make sure all is working.
Select the Clarity SV listing from the network list. Touch connect. Once it is connected you can tap the IP Setting tab and confirm the iFly has an iP address, Gateway and DNS in the list. Make sure DCHP is selected.
Now you can exit back to the Main Screen. Touch the Navigation button. Once the Nav program is up, wait just about 20-30 seconds to make sure the program is all up and the data stream is opened.
Now tap the Mode button, you should see Weather (ADS-B Live, No Data or Idle) in the list. If you see Weather Pre-Flight, it's not seeing it. Try this then... Tap Menus, About, Connected Devices, then look in the device list at the top for ADS-B Receiver or Clarity ADS-B Receiver, touch it and then touch Wi-Fi Ports and make sure Clarity ADS-B is selected. Now exit back to the Map screen and wait a few seconds and look at the Mode list again, you should see Weather ADS-B Live, No Data or Idle pop into the list. You're Connected, now you just need to Fly.
Now that we have that covered, you should know that it is very unlikely that you will get actual ADS-B data on the ground, other than the 1090 traffic. ADS-B is ground based and typically takes a few hundred feet AGL or more to start receiving the signal. I live about 7 miles from an ADS-B tower and can get it on the ground, but this is very close. Most ADS-B manufacturers state you need to be airborn to insure signal reception. The Clarity has LEDs on top, it's receiving WX and TIS traffic when the ADS-B 978 is lit. 1090 is only traffic (air-to-air). I hope this helps.