I added an avatar several weeks ago but it did not work. I went back in and tried again, this time I received an email to confirm the change.
My profile shows the avatar but when I post it does not show.
Any suggestions?
The site is correct and the size is 8755 Bytes 100 x 81 Pixels. It shows in my profile and I received an email to confirm the change.
I deleted it and reloaded it with no joy.
Send me your avatar file if you don't mind. I think the file size is to large, maybe drop to 72 dpi and use png or gif. I'll size it, test and confirm it to load. Then I can either send back for you to load or we may be able to do that for you. Send it to shane@adventurepilot.com and I'll have a look. Something odd is going on. Have a good evening.
Thanks, its working now. I was going to my prfile by clicking on my user name.