I really like the IFly but it's deja vu all over again. Stopped using my 700 (bought new) but it would shut off at random. Apparently it had to do with an internal something or other and was way out of warranty. So on 4/20/18 bit the bullet on a new 740b from Aircraft Spruce.
I wanted to avoid any of the previous power problems so I hard wired it using the DC Hard Wire cord provided by IFly (experimental aircraft). Yes I've checked the wiring. The total power cord length from the fuse to the unit is about 12". There is nothing wrong with the wiring.
And now it's happening all over again. It just shuts off at random. This makes me want to just scream. I literally designed my panel around the IFly and now I'm really regretting this decision. My plane is not just a weekend hamburger vehicle. I need to be able to rely on it for the flying I do.
I've searched this web site and can't find what the warranty period is. I'm still under one year but usually electronics are less than that.
Looking for guidance on what my options are - and wondering if others are having similar problems.
Gary Welch, Pine Mountain Lake, California